Everyone’s talking about digital marketing these days. After all, it’s the most effective way to help brands connect to their audiences. However, it’s easier said than done.
Carving out a successful digital marketing can be very challenging, especially when the target audience doesn’t speak English.
In this blog, we’ll discuss some common SEO mistakes when marketing to Spanish audiences to provide you a good overview:
Avoid black hat SEO practices—Ser ético!
Make sure you don’t use black hat SEO techniques to give a boost to your web traffic. While it’ll provide you with some short-term benefits, it will hurt your SEO in the long run. READ: What Is Black Hat SEO? | WordStream
Always use good, white hat practices when creating a SEO strategy to target Spanish audience.

This means, you shouldn’t copy or duplicate original ideas of others. Not only is it unethical but also leads to Google penalties.
Keyword stuffing is another bad tactic that you want to stay away from to prevent your website from getting removed from the Google index.
Also, you need a deep understanding of the Spanish SEO to cater broader audience. Spanish SEO is more than just translating the META tags.
A multicultural marketing firm can help you in optimizing your SEO for Spanish audience.
Don’t take PPC campaigns for granted—dejar de traducir
Most marketers simply translate their ads from English to Spanish language and think that they have crafted a successful PPC campaign.

But in reality, they are simply wasting hundreds of dollars in paid advertising.
Every Spanish PPC ad campaign should be tested and planned properly.
It takes a good amount of research, marketing strategy, and understanding of Spanish audience to formulate a PPC campaign that provide results and generate good ROI. READ: What to do when PPC Best Practices Fail
It’s also important to keep a tab on the PPC campaign. Test your conversion funnel regularly to learn about the performance of your campaign.
Remove ineffective ads and replace them with fresh content to remain ahead of the competition.

No quality-testing of the promotional content—Error de SEO
Some marketers ignore quality-testing, which prove to be detrimental for their SEO. Quality-testing is an important part of SEO that helps ensure that your digital content is free from errors, fully optimized, and don’t contain any unlawful element. All the marketing and promotional content should go through strict proofreading and quality check before getting published. All the links should be working properly and all the media should be properly licensed and legal to use. Never use media without checking its copyright status. Unless you’re sure that the content is not protected by copyright before using it to avoid getting blacklisted by the Google. In a nutshell, don’t optimize photos that you don’t own. READ: How Copyright Infringement Can Affect Your SEO